Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Official "Celebrate Summer" Day!

 I love summer.  From the beauty of the morning sunrise, the variety of birds and the simple fact that I can be outside most of the day.  During this season, my mood is almost always cheerful and happy.  Oh sure, I occasionally grouse about the heat or the need for rain, but most of the time I'm just enjoying nature and life in general.

This year summer seems to be flying past.  It could be because I've wasted a great deal of it by managing to break several ribs, injuring my back and then having to have gallbladder surgery.  Whatever the reason, I seem to be spending most of my time racing around doing things instead of enjoying the season.  Well, not today.  I'm officially declaring this "Celebrate Summer" day. 

The dishes can stay in the sink, no wiping handprints off the wall or paying bills.  No creating jewelry, managing inventory, or working on design ideas.  No going to the office.  The only thing allowed for this day is to celebrate the season in a way that works for you.  Think I'm going to go find the sandpails and shovels and head for the beach. Maybe I'll even bring the kids.  Maybe.

What do you want to do on "Celebrate Summer" day??


  1. I want to skip work and play outside -- but I'm afraid that can't happen. I'll take a rain check and celebrate summer on Saturday with three of my grandsons.

  2. Sounds like a great plan! I wish everyday could be Celebrate Summer Day :)
